Smartphone maker HTC announced the launch of its first Tablet - HTC Flyer - in India, with existing players such as Samsung, as Galaxy Playbook BlackBerry and iPhone to compete. The tablet of seven-inch touch screen with HTC Sense, provides a graphical user interface with power and combines the naturalness and the interaction pen. HTC also announced a new video service for its debut on HTC Flyers look compressed and set to come to the pioneers of the game cloud OnLive, Inc., the first cloud service for mobile gaming to launch on a shelf.
"HTC believes that many people on the paradigm of a wireless device at a time, some will update more wireless devices, depending on their needs. We have the possibility of such a tablet was the experience is different, more personal and productive " said Faisal Siddiqui, director of the HTC India country. HTC flyers are available on the market at a price of Rs 39 890.
Processor 1.5 GHz single-core processor with 1 GB of RAM 7-inch touch screen TFT 1024 x 600 pixels
HSPA connections up to 14.4 Mbps
16 GB of internal Flash storage
Aluminum unibody construction
Capacitive touch-sensitive stylus
Rear 5 MP camera, front camera 1.3MP
4000 mAh Battery with 4 hours of endurance to play the video continuously
Bluetooth 3.0 with A2DP
Dimensions: 195.4 x 122 x 13.2 mm
Weight 415g
MicroSD card slot ekspani
OnLive cloud gaming
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